Dear Grantmakers, we need to talk!
We appreciate you, seriously, we do. Your support makes so much of our work possible, and we’re genuinely grateful for it.
Just think of this as one of those honest chats you have with a good friend, the kind where you tell them how much you appreciate them, but also share a few suggestions for making things even better.
We get it. You want to make sure your funds are used responsibly and effectively, and we’re all for that!
But here’s the thing: if you really want to support nonprofits, it helps to know that most have limited capacity, limited time, and, limited budgets. This makes it challenging to dedicate the time and resources needed to apply for your grants, even though they are so essential to our work.
Even a few small improvements to your application process could make a world of difference, especially for smaller nonprofits that don’t have a dedicated grant writer on staff.
Here are a few ideas to consider:
1. Ditch the 10% Limit on “Overhead” Funding
We really appreciate the need to ensure funds are used responsibly, but limiting “overhead” funding to 10% makes it tough for nonprofits to keep things running smoothly. Running a nonprofit takes people, buildings, and yes, things like electricity and internet, basically everything that keeps our programs going. Calling these essentials “overhead” makes them sound optional, but they’re really not.
Funding core operations isn’t wasteful, it’s what allows us to keep making a difference. Just picture a bunch of very tired volunteers sitting in the dark, that's what happens when there’s no funding for operations!
2. Be Transparent About Funding and Review Processes
We know you’re not trying to make things difficult, but sometimes it feels like we’re searching for hidden clues just to find out how much funding is available, what the typical grant amounts are, and if we are eligible. A bit more clarity up front would save everyone a lot of time and help us send in stronger applications. If we know what you’re looking for, we can make sure we’re giving you the right information from the start.
3. Provide a Downloadable Application Form
This is a quick and easy win! Providing a downloadable application form would save everyone so much time and effort. Most of us are already copying your questions into Google or Word documents just to work on our responses as a team. A simple downloadable form would make it way easier to collaborate and plan thoughtful answers without all the extra hassle.
4. Ditch Arbitrary Word Count Limits
Spending hours writing the perfect response only to find out it’s 200 words too long is the stuff of nightmares! If limits are needed, making them clear from the start would save everyone a lot of time and confusion. And to be honest, cutting down a thoughtful explanation to fit a strict word limit makes it hard to get our point across clearly. It forces us to leave out important details that could help better inform your decision-making process.
5. Ask Questions That Actually Matter (and Don’t Repeat Them)
We completely understand the need for thorough applications, and we’re not asking to cut corners. But if a question doesn’t actually influence your funding decision, it might be worth reconsidering. Grant writing takes a lot of time and effort, so focusing only on the most relevant information would be incredibly helpful.
Also, if we’ve already answered a question, asking it again in different words can feel a bit repetitive. Keeping things clear and to the point would make the process a lot smoother for everyone.
6. Offer Feedback to Declined Applicants
Getting a “no” without any explanation can be discouraging. We completely understand that not every application can be funded, but a bit of feedback, even if it’s brief, would go a long way in helping us improve and figure out if it’s worth applying again in the future. Was it a budget issue? Did our program not quite align with your priorities? Knowing what went wrong would help us learn and focus our efforts more effectively.
7. Give Us Reasonable Timelines
We know you’re busy, and we get that sometimes timelines have to be tight. But shorter deadlines can feel impossible, especially for small teams juggling a million other things. A bit more time and notice to pull everything together would make a huge difference. If it’s a choice between a rushed application and a thoughtful one, we’re guessing you’d prefer the latter!
Thanks for listening! We’re so grateful for the support you provide to nonprofits, and we hope these suggestions come across as part of a friendly, honest conversation about how we can work better together.
Feeling overwhelmed by the grant writing process? Let's Talk!
If you’re nodding along to this list, you’re not alone. The grant application process can be complex, especially with confusing requirements, tight deadlines, and limited resources. I can help! I provide grant writing services to find the right grants, write compelling proposals, and handle the application process, so you don’t have to!
Interested? Book a free consultation call and let's chat!